The need to rant

Yes as the title suggests, this post is all about ranting.

Many many years ago, back when I was in primary school, the government decided to change the policy of teaching maths and science in English. It was the best decision they have made after it took so long for them to decide on that particular implementation. I think it was 10 years ago before I took my UPSR exams. That was a sign that our government is going forward. Wanting to ensure that the country is progressing. I am guessing at that time they believe that the younger generation needs more exposure to the English language while the Bahasa Malaysia remains the national language. That was a stroke of genius from the government back then.

10 years forward, what is happening to that implementation? For goodness sake, Maths and Science in BM? I am not putting the national language down but seriously, look at the future? We are not as advanced as the Japanese to have everything taught in the national language. English is a global language! Everyone around the world communicate with each other in English! If we take away English from Science and Math, our kids today will learn mediocre English in my opinion. Yes you can implement special English classes, but seriously how effective is that?

English will play a very important role in the world of communication in the years to come. The kids of this generation will be handicapped in the future in my opinion. It is only logical that these kids should learn maths and science in English. Take the internet for example, most of the sources, I dare say, are written and published in the English language. They would need a high level of English understanding to look for these sources. Sure they have  sources in Malay but again, I dare say that English sources have more to offer. Speaking from experience.

When these generations of kids grow up and they reach tertiary level, they certainly won’t have much problem when they study at a local university or college, but they would have trouble coping in universities beyond the seas of Malaysia. Tertiary level English is of very high standard and even I have a little trouble understanding journals whenever I read them for assignments and such.

I came from a background where English was very important, hence me learning Mandarin was neglected, but I still coped when I went to China. Why? Because the Chinese people in China can speak English too! Imagine that! Talk about development. They sure are moving forward. Beijing was so much more different than 7 years ago since I last went there on tour. Taxi drivers learn English too! Amazing!

Bottom line here, changing the education policy to teach Maths and Science in BM is definitely a bad call. WE WANT TO MOVE FORWARD instead of backward! Malaysia government, I hope you will seriously use your old fashioned head of yours and really think about what’s really best for our kids regardless of race. This isn’t a fight to see who is in control. The policies should be about ensuring that our country moves forward with the time, like 10 years ago. Not moving backwards. Think about it. Make the right choice knuckle heads.


Published by: leongzhi

I am just another guy searching for his hopes and dreams. I love gummy bears. Loyal supporter of the Los Angeles Lakers. Loyal supporter of Arsenal FC.


4 thoughts on “The need to rant”

  1. You wrote, “Everyone around the world communicate with each other in English!” Sorry, I don’t think that’s true. English is fairly widespread, particularly in countries of the old British Empire. Have you looked for useful texts in Russian, Spanish and so on? I wish you well, but don’t suppose English is universal. It isn’t.

    1. That is true and I agree with you. But what I am saying is that if there are 2 people who come from different countries with different mother tongues, most of the time they would try to communicate in English. Thats why although what are the odds that most people are going to meet in that sort of conditions but it does give you that edge, that advantage. I totally respect your comments sir. Yes there are useful texts in other language and again what I mean is that the sources in Malay are limited. I am comparing Malay and English. Not other languages.

  2. My in-laws come from Kuching and when I visited them I could not communicate with them in English. Sure proof to me that English is not the international language.

    It is time that the world seriously dealt with the language problem, and my vote is for Esperanto.

    You can check this at

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